
Tips and Secrets for:
F-Zero X
Creator: Nintendo
Genre: Race
Players: 4
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Rumble Pack Compatible
Performance points: 7
All Ships and Courses
At the Menu Screen Press L+Z+R+Top-C+Bottom-C+Left-C+Right-C+Start. A Chime will sound if you entered it correctly.
Make all the cars small
Press L + R + Top-C + Bottom-C + Left-C + Right-C at the same time.
Joker Cup
If you win the Jack Cup, Queen Cup and King Cup on Standard difficulty then you will receive the Joker Cup.
If you win the Jack Cup, Queen Cup and King Cup and Joker Cup on Expert difficulty then you will receive the X-Cup.
The Master Difficulty Level
To receive the Master difficulty level win the Jack Cup, Queen Cup and King Cup and Joker Cup on all three difficulty levels.
These codes were written by Alex Noe (nintendoempire@yahoo.com).