
RUSH 2: Extreme Racing USA
Creator: Midway
Genre: Driving
Players: 2
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Rumble Pack and Memory Pak Compatible
Performance points: 9
This is most likely the most entertaining racing game that will ever be made for Nintendo64. The game consists of over 11 different courses and 16 cars. The course include Alcatraz, Hawaii, Hollywood, Las Vegas, New York Uptown and Downtown, Seattle and several more. Each course has many different shortcuts and graphics that fit its surroundings. The courses can be mirrored and fog can be added in order to make it just a little harder. Everything about the cars can be customized, whether it be from the Engine and color to the tire rims.
How could I forget the extra tracks and cars that can be received simply for collecting different items on each course. Every four keys that are collected get you a new car on that course and when you collect the Four Mountain Dew cans you get a Mountain dew racer.
The game is not just simply incredible racing, it also has a course devoted to tricks that are performed off of florescent ramps, and this course is not surprisingly called, "The Stunt Course".
To sum it up let me just say that personally I enjoyed this game very much and have only heard good things about it from other people. Although the graphics may not be top of the line when you're playing it you barely notice. The driving seems realistic but the stunts seem more like luck then skill. I would give this a 9 on the Nintendo Empire.
This Article was written by Alex Noe (nintendoempire@yahoo.com)